Using your own images

You can personalize your size chart by adding awesome pictures. These images can be your own, or from the thousands of beautiful copyright-free images on Burst –

1. Log into your Shopify Admin area, and click Content > Files.

2. Select Files – and you should now see this:

3. Click the Upload files button in the top right and upload your image.

TIP – Make sure your image file size isn’t too large and that you save it as a jpg. Aim to keep it under 200kb

4. Once you have completed these steps, your image will appear under the files and the URL you need to copy is on the right hand side.

5. Click the link icon and it will automatically be copied to your clipboard.

6. Return back to your store and open your size chart.

7. Go to the Content tab and paste your file URL in here and voila you’ve done it!!

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