How to enable theme app extensions

Using the latest Shopify technology is important to making sure your store runs fast and smoothly as possible 

Last year Shopify rolled out theme app extensions that allow Shopify app developers to interact with themes without needing to insert custom code directly into the theme itself.


  • theme app extensions are faster to load then the old ScriptTag method
  • theme app extensions are cleaner - they do not leave code behind when the app is uninstalled
  • theme app extensions are more reliable for retrieving information from Shopify like collections, tags, vendors, etc

Get Started

Shopify does not provide app developers an API to enable theme app extensions by default. Their goal was to give merchants ultimate control. There are a few steps you need to take to upgrade your Clean Size Charts install to using theme app extensions.

Step 1: Log in to Clean Size Charts dashboard

Step 2: Click on Any Size Chart

Step 3: Click Publish

Step 4: Click Enable Extension

Important: When you click Enable Extensions, the existing ScriptTag will be removed from the store and size charts will stop working. You will need to enable the extension for your size charts to reappear. 

Step 5: Click the slider next to Size Chart - the slider will turn blue when the app extension is enabled.



Step 6: Click Save. This step is required. If the save button is not clicked, the app extension will not be enabled.

Step 7: You are now on theme app extensions.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our support team anytime by reaching out

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